

  The commission has been increased to5%in your favour。贵方佣金已增至百分之五。

  You can grant us an extra commission of2%to cover the additional risk。你们可以获得另外百分之二的佣金,以补偿你受的额外风险。

  We‘ll get0.5%more in commission for our effort。经过努力,我们可以多谋到百分之零点五的佣金。

  For every additional10pieces of pianos sold,we’ll give you0.2%more commission。每笔交易若能多卖出10架钢琴,你们可以多得百分之零点二的佣金。

  We can‘t agree to increase the rate of commission。我们不能同意增加佣金率。

  A5%commission means an increase in our price。百分之五的佣金就等于价格提高了。

  Ahigher commission means a higher price。如果佣金提高了,价格也要提高。

  A4%commission is the maximum。我们最多给百分之四的佣金。

  Is it possible to increase the commission to4%?能不能把佣金提高到百分之四呢?

  Even a6%commission is not high。甚至百分之六的佣金都不算高。

  2%commission is not enough,is it?百分之二的佣金是不是少了点?

  The present commission isn’t enough。现有的佣金不够。

  There are three items of commission left unpaid。只剩三笔交易的佣金未付。

  Additional Words and Phrases

  commissions earned佣金收入

  commissions received in advance预收佣金

  commission for collection代收帐款佣金

  commission insurance佣金保险

  commission system佣金制

  commission agency代理贸易

  selling commission代销佣金

  buying commission代购佣金