


  AAalways afloat始终保持浮泊

  a.a.r.against all risks保一切险

  ACaccount current往来账户

  A/Cfor account of为…代销


  ACCDG According to根据

  ACCT Account账,因为

  ACOL After completion of lading装货结束后

  a.d.a/d After date在指定日期后

  ADDCOM Address commission回扣佣金

  Add-on…tariff(also proportional rate or arbitrary[in USA])费率(美国对非基本港口附加费)

  Ad val。(a/v)ad valorem(according to value)从价

  ADN European Provisions concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Inland Waterway内河危险品国际运输欧洲规则

  ADP Automated data processing自动数据处理

  ADR European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road公路危险货物运输欧洲协定

  ADV Advise告知

  AETR European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport从事国际公路运输车辆从业人员工作的欧洲协定

  AFRAaverage freight rate assessment平均运费指数

  AFLWS As follows如下

  Agcy agency代理公司

  Agt agent代理人

  AGW All goes weight一切顺利

  a.g.w.t.actual gross weight实际毛重(总重)

  AHPS Arrival harbor pilot station到达港口引航站

  AIMS American Institute of Merchant Shipping美国商船航运学会

  AMT Air Mail Transfer航空信汇

  ANCH Anchorage锚地

  ANS Answer回答

  A。O。account of…。账上

  AOH After office hours工作时间外

  A/or and/or及/或者

  A/Paccount paid账目付讫

  AP Additional premium附加保险费


  APS Arrival pilot station到达引航站

  A/Rall risks(insurance)一切险

  Arr arrival到达(到港)


  A/s after sight见票后付款(汇票)


  ASAPas soon as possible尽快

  ASBA Association of Shipbrokers and Agents,Inc。(美国)船舶经纪人和代理人协会

  ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange美国信息交换标准代码

  ASPS Arrival Sea Pilot Station到达海区引航站


  ATAactual time of arrival实际到达时间

  ATDactual time of departure实际离开时间

  ATDNSHINC Any time,day,night,Sundays and holidays included包括任何时间,白天,夜间,星期天和节假日

  ATP Agreement for the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs易腐食品国际运输公约

  ATS All time saved所有节省时间

  ATSBE All time saved both ends所有两港节省时间

  ATSDO All time daved discharging only所有卸货港节省时间

  ATSLO All time saved lading only所有装货港节省时间

  Atty attorney代理人,律师

  auth authorized授权的,许可的

  Aux Auxiliary辅助的,附件

  av average平均

  AWB Air Waybill空运单

  AWTS All working time saved所有节省的工作时间

  AWTSBE All working time saved both ends所有两港节省的工作时间

  AWTSDO All working time saved discharging only所有卸货港节省的工作时间

  AWTSLO All working time saved loading only所有装货港节省的工作时间


  B。A。C。bunker adjustment charge燃油附加费

  B。A。F。bunker adjustment factor燃油附加费

  Bags/BULKpart in bags,part in bulk袋装部分,散装部分

  BB Ballast bonus空航奖金(空放补贴)

  BBB Before breaking bulk卸货前

  B。C。bulk cargo散货


  b.d.i.both dates(days)inclusive包括首尾两日



  BENDS Both ends两端(装货和卸货港)

  B/G Bonded goods保税货物

  BIMCO Baltic International Maritime Conference波罗的海国际航运工会

  BIZ Business业务

  Bkge brokerage经纪费,佣金

  B/Lbill of loading提单



  BLT Built建造

  BOD Bunker of Delivery交燃油

  BOR Bunker of Redelivery接燃油

  BRL Barrel桶(英,美容积单位)

  B/S Bill of sale卖契

  BBS Basis基础

  BT Berth terms泊位条款

  BV Bureau Veritas(French Ship Classification Society)法国船级社

  B。W。bonded warehouse保税仓库



  CACcurrency adjustment charge货币(贬值)附加费

  CAConf Cargo Agency Conference(IATA)货物代理会议(国际航空运输协会)

  CADcash against documents凭单据付款

  CAF Currency adjustment factor货币贬值附加费

  CAP Capacity容量,能力

  CAPT Captain船长

  CAScurrency adjustment surcharge货币贬值附加费

  CASS Cargo Accounts Settlement System(IATA)货物结算系统(国际航空运输协会)

  C。B。container base集装箱基地

  CBF Cubic Feet立方英尺

  c。&d.collection and delivery收运费交货

  c.b.d.cash before delivery付款后交货

  cbm cubic metre立方米

  cc charges collect货到付款

  CCLcustoms clearance结关

  CCSconsolidated cargo(contaiver)service集货(集装箱拼装货服务)

  ccx collect货到付款

  C/Dcustoms declaration海关申报单

  CEM European conference on goods train Timetables货车时刻表欧洲会议

  CEVNI European code for Inland Waterways欧洲内河航道代码

  CFM Confirm确认

  CFR Cost and freight(Incoterms)成本加运费(国际贸易术语解释通则)

  CFScontainer freight station集装箱货运站

  CGO Cargo货物

  C。H。carriers haulage集装箱承运人接运

  C。H。C。cargo handling charges货物操作(装卸)费

  Ch.fwd.charges forward运费等货到后由收货人自付

  CHOPT Charterer’s option租方选择

  CHTRS Charterers租船人

  c.i.a.cash in advance预支现金

  CIFcost,insurance and freight(Incoterms)到岸价(成本,保险费,运费)

  c.i.f。&e.cost,insurance,freight and exchange货价,保险费,运费,货币兑换

  c.i.f.i。&e.cost,insurance,freight,interest and exchange货价,保险费,运费,利息兑换

  c.i.f。&i.cost,insurance,freight,and interest货价,保险费,运费,利息

  c.i.f。&c.cost,insurance,freight and commission货价,保险费,运费,佣金

  c.i.f.c。&e.cost,insurance,freight,commission and exchange货价,保险费,运费,佣金,兑换

  c.i.f.c。&i.cost,insurance,freight,commission and interest货价,保险费,运费,佣金,利息

  c.i.f.i。&c.cost,insurance,freight,interest and commission货价,保险费,运费,利息,佣金

  c.i.f。L。t.cost,insurance and freight,London terms货价,保险费,运费,伦敦条款

  c.i.f.w.cost,insurance and freight plus war risk货价,保险费,运费及战险费

  CIM International Convention on the Transport of Goods by Railway铁路货物运输国际公约

  CIPcarriage and insurance paid to运费及保险费支付到……

  CIV International Convention on the Carriage of Passenger and Luggage by Railway铁路乘客及行李运输国际公约

  CKDcompletely knocked down(unassembled)全部拆散的(非装配的)


  CLC Civil Liability Convention国际由于损害民事责任公约

  clean B/Lclean Bill of lading清洁提单

  cm centimeters(s)公分(厘米)

  cm3cubic centimeter(s)立方厘米

  CMR Convention on the Contract for the International国际公路货运合同公约

  C/Nconsignment note发货通知书

  cnee consignee收货人

  cnmt/consgt consignment托付

  cnor consignor发货人,委托人

  C/Ocertificate of origin产地证明书

  COA Contract of Affreightment包运合同

  C。O。D。cash on delivery货到付款

  C。O。F。C。Container-on–Flat-Car(rail flatcar)平板车装运集装箱

  COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act海上货物运输法

  COM Commission佣金

  CONS Consumption消耗

  CVGPcustoms value per gross pound海关价值,每磅毛重

  CWEcleared without examination海关免验结关

  cwt hundredweight担,英=112磅美=100磅

  CWOcash with order定货时付款/定购即付

  CYcontainer yard集装箱堆场

  cy currency货币


  D/Adocuments against acceptance承兑交单

  DAF Delivered at frontier边境交货(国际贸易术语解释通则)


  DAPdocuments against payment付款交单

  D。A。S。delivered alongside ship船边提货

  DBE(W)ATS Dispatch payable both ends on(working)all time saved支付两港所有节省(工作)的速遣费

  DCAS Distribution Cost Anglysis System费用分布分析系统

  D。CL Detention Clause滞留条款

  D/CL。Deviation Clause绕航条款

  D/D Dry docking进干船坞

  DDO Dispatch discharging only卸货港速遣

  DDP Delivered duty paid(Incoterms)完税后交货(国际贸易术语解释通则)

  DDU Delivered duty unpaid(Incoterms)未完税交货(国际贸易术语解释通则)

  DELY Delivery交付

  DEM Demurrage滞期(费)

  DEP Departure离开,开航

  DES Delivered ex ship(Incoterms)目的港船上交货(国际贸易术语解释通则)

  DEQ Delivered ex quay(duty paid)(Incoterms)目的港码头交货(完税货)(国际贸易术语解释通则)

  DEV Deviation绕航

  DF Dead Freight空舱费

  DFPduty-free port免税港

  DHD Dispatch half demurrage速遣费是滞期费的一半

  Dia Diameter直径

  DISCH Discharge卸货

  DISPORT Discharge port卸货港


  DLOSP Dropping last outward sea pilot最后出港海区引航员下船

  dm3cubic decimeter(s)立方分米

  DO Diesel oil柴油

  DOCIMEL Document CIM Electronique(Electronic CIMdocument)CIM电子单证

  D/Odelivery order提货单

  DOP Dropping outward pilot出港引航员下船

  DOSP Dropping outward sea pilot出港海区引航员下船

  D/Pdocuments against payment付款交单

  DPP Dirty Petroleum products不洁石油产品

  DSTN Destination目的地(港)

  DT Deep tank深舱

  DTG Distance to go还要行使的距离

  DTLS Details细节

  DWCCdead weight cargo capacity货物载重量

  DWTdead weight ton载重吨


  E。&O。E。errors and omissions excepted错误和遗漏不在此限

  DEI Electronic data interchange电子数据交换

  EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration,Commerce and Transport行政管理,商业和运输业的电子数据交换

  EDPelectronic data processing电子数据处理

  e.g.for example例如

  EIRequipment interchange receipt(containers)设备交接单(集装箱)


  ERLOAD Expected ready to load预计准备装货

  ETAexpected time of arrival预计到达时间

  ETB Expected time of berth预计靠泊时间

  ETCD Expected time of completion of discharge预计卸货完成时间

  ETDexpected time of departure预计离开时间

  ETR Expected time of redelivery预计还船时间

  ETSexpected time of sailing预计开航时间


  EXW Ex works(Incoterms)工厂交货


  FAAfree of all average一切海损均不赔偿

  FAC As fast as the vessel can receive or deliver一船舶能接受货交付的尽快速度

  f.a.c.fast as can(loading or discharge)尽可能快的装卸

  F。A。C。forwarding agent’s commission货运代理佣金

  FACCOP As fast as ship can load/discharge according to custom of port根据港口习惯以船舶尽可能快的装/卸货

  FAKfreight all kinds均一费率

  FALPROspecial Programme on Trade Facilitation(UNCTAD)便利贸易特别项目(联合国贸发会议)

  f.a.q.fair average quality统货,大路货

  FASfree alongside ship(Incoterms)船边交货(国际贸易术语解释通则)

  FBLnegotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading FIATA可转让多式联运提单

  FCA Free carrier(Incoterms)货交承运人(国际贸易术语解释通则)

  FCCfirst class charterers一流的租船人

  FCLfull container load整箱货


  FD Freight and demurrage运费和滞期费

  FDND Freight,dispatch and demurrage defence运费,速遣和滞期保护

  FFI FIATA Forwarding Instructions FIATA运送指示

  f.g.a.free of general average共损不保

  FHEX Friday and holidays excepted星期五和节假日除外

  FHINC Fridays and holidays included包括星期五和节假日

  f.i.free in船方不负担装货费

  f.i.a.s.free in and stowed船方不负担装货费和理舱费

  FILO Free in Liner out租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费

  FILTD Free in Liner terms discharge租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费

  FIO Free in and out租船人承担装/卸货费

  FIOS Free in and out and stowed租船人承担装货、卸货和堆装费

  FIOST Free in and out and stowed and trimmed租船人承担装货、卸货、堆装和平舱费

  FIOT Free in and out and trimmed租船人承担装货、卸货和平舱费

  FIATA FCR Forwarders Certificate of Receipt FIATA货运代理收货凭证

  FIATA FCT Forwarders Certificate of Transport FIATA货运代理运输凭证

  FIATA SDT Shipper’s Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods FIATA托运人危险货物运输声明

  FIATA SIC Shippers Intermodal Weight Certification FIATA托运人联运重量证明书

  F。I。B。Free into barge驳船交货


  f.i.h.free in harbour港内交货

  f.i.o.free in and out船方不负担装卸费用

  f.i.o.s.free in and out stowed船方不负担装卸费和理舱费

  firavv first available vessel第一艘可用船舶

  FISfreight,insurance and shipping charges运费、保险费和装船费

  f.i.w.free into wagon船方不负责装车费

  FLTforklift truck叉升式堆装机

  FLWG Following下达,下列

  FM From从,自

  FO Fuel oil/Free out燃料油/租船人承担卸货费,船东承担装货费

  f.o.free out船方不负担卸货费

  FOB Free on board船上交货,离岸价格

  F。O。C。flags of convenience方便旗船

  F。O。D。free of damage损害不赔

  FONASBA The Federation of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents全国船舶经纪人和代理人协会联盟

  f.o.w.first open water第一解冻日

  F。P。A Free of particular average平安险

  FPADfreight payable at destination到港支付运费

  FR Flat rack(container)平底集装箱

  FRT Freight运费

  Frt.fwd.freight forward运费由提货人支付

  Frt.ppd.freight prepaid运费预付

  Frt.ton freight ton运费吨

  Ft foot(feet)英尺

  FW Fresh water淡水

  FWBnon-negotiable FIATA Multimodal transport Waybill FIATA不可转让的多式联运运单

  FWCfull loaded weight&capacity满载重量和容量(集装箱)

  FWD Forward向前


  FWR FIATA Warehouse Receipt FIATA仓库收据

  FYG For your guidance供你指导

  FYI For your information给你提供信息

  FYR For your reference供你参考


  G。A。general average共同海损

  G。A。A。General Average Agreement共同海损担保

  G。A。C。general average contribution共同海损摊款

  G。B。L。Government Bill of Lading政府海运提单

  G。C。general cargo杂货

  G。C。R。general cargo rates杂货运价

  GDPgross domestic product国内生产总值

  gds goods货物

  GFA General Freight Agent货运总代理人

  GLESS Gearless无装卸设备

  GMT Greenwich Meantime格林威标准时间

  GNPgross national product国民生产总值

  GRD Geard有装卸设备

  GRTgross registered tonnage总登记吨

  gr wt gross weight总重,毛重

  GSA General Sales Agent销售总代理

  GSTgoods and services tax货物和服务税

  Guatemala City Protocol(1971)Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on12October1929as amended By the Protocol at the Hague on28September1955(not in force)关于修改经1955年9月28日海牙议定书修改的1929年10月12日在华沙签署的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》议定书(尚未生效)又称《1971年危地马拉议定书》

  Guadalajara Supplementary Convention(1961)Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International carriage by Air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier关于非由订约承运人履约的统一国际航空运输某些规则的华沙公约的补充公约,又称《1961年Guadalajara补充公约》


  Hague Prot。(1955)Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to the International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw in12October1929关于修订1929年10月12日在华沙签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》议定书又称《1955年海牙议定书》

  Hague Rules International Convention of the Unific action of certain Rules relating to Bill of Lading(1924)《统一关于提单若干法律规定的国际公约》又称《海牙规则》

  Hague/Visby Rules Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading(Brussels1968)《关于修订统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约议定书》(布鲁塞尔1968)又称《海牙-威斯比规则》

  Hamburg Rules United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea(1978)《1978年联合国海上货物运输公约》《汉堡规则》

  HA/HO Hatches/Holds舱口/舱

  HAWB House Air Waybill航空分运单

  HAZCHEM Hazardous Chemicals Code化学危险品代码

  HC Hatch Coaming舱口围

  hdlg handling装卸

  HERMES Handling European Railway Message Exchange System欧洲铁路信息交换系统管理

  HFO Heavy fuel oil重燃料油

  hgt height高度

  h/lift heavy lift重型起动(设备)


  HRS Hours小时

  HS Harmonized System(CCC Convention)协调机制

  HSD High Speed dissel高速柴油

  HSS Heavy grain,soyas,sorghum重粮,黄豆,高粱

  H/STMG Harbor Steaming港内航行