


  Restatement of the Law,Third,Torts:Apportionment of Liability(Rule Sections)

  Copyright?2000by The American Law Institute

  译者说明:本文系作者参与2006年中国法学会部级法学研究课题“中国侵权责任法立法研究”(立项编号:CLS(2006)YB14)过程中,为学习和研究目的而进行的翻译。本文件仅供个人学习、研究之用,仅供参考,请勿作他用,后果自负。本文件部分条文的翻译参考了许传玺、石宏等译《侵权法重述——纲要》(法律出版社2006年版)1-4、7、8、10-12、14-17、23、26条条文和相应条文的部分“COMMENTS&ILLUSTRATIONS”、“REPORTERS NOTES”的译文,特此致谢。相关译文具体细节请参见注释。


  Topic1-Basic Rules of Comparative Responsibility



  1Issues and Causes of Action Addressed by This Restatement

  This Restatement addresses issues of apportioning liability among two or more persons。It applies to all claims[3](including lawsuits and settlements)for death,personal injury(including emotional distress or consortium),or physical damage to tangible property,regardless of the basis of liability。



  2Contractual Limitations on Liability

  When permitted by contract law,substantive law governing the claim,and applicable rules of construction,a contract between the plaintiff and another person absolving the person from liability for future harm bars the plaintiff,s recovery[4]from that person for the harm。Unlike a plaintiff,s negligence,a valid contractual limitation on liability does not provide an occasion for the factfinder to assign a percentage of responsibility to any party or other person。



  3Ameliorative Doctrines for Defining Plaintiff‘s Negligence Abolished

  Plaintiff,s negligence is defined by the applicable standard for a defendant,s negligence。Special ameliorative doctrines for defining plaintiff,s negligence are abolished。



  4Proof of Plaintiff‘s Negligence and Legal Causation

  The defendant has the burden to prove plaintiff,s negligence,and may use any of the methods a plaintiff may use to prove defendant,s negligence。Except as otherwise provided in Topic5,the defendant also has the burden to prove that the plaintiff,s negligence,if any,was a legal cause of the plaintiff,s damages。



  5Negligence Imputed to a Plaintiff

  The negligence of another person is imputed to a plaintiff whenever the negligence of the other person would have been imputed had the plaintiff been a defendant,except the negligence of another person is not imputed to a plaintiff solely because of the plaintiff,s ownership of a motor vehicle or permission for its use by the other person。




  6Negligence Imputed to a Plaintiff When the Plaintiff,s Recovery Derives from a Claim That the Defendant Committed a Tort Against a Third Person and in Claims Under Survival Statutes

  (a)When a plaintiff asserts a claim that derives from the defendant,s tort against a third person,negligence of the third person is imputed to the plaintiff with respect to that claim。The plaintiff,s recovery is also reduced by the plaintiff,s own negligence。

  (b)The negligence of an estate,s decedent affects the estate[8],s recovery under a survival statute to the same extent that it would have affected the decedent,s recovery had the decedent survived。The negligence of a beneficiary of the decedent,s estate is not imputed to the estate merely because of the beneficiary,s status as a beneficiary。



  7Effect of Plaintiff‘s Negligence When Plaintiff Suffers an Indivisible Injury

  Plaintiff,s negligence(or the negligence of another person for whose negligence the plaintiff is responsible)that is a legal cause of an indivisible injury to the plaintiff reduces the plaintiff,s recovery in proportion to the share of responsibility the factfinder assigns to the plaintiff(or other person for whose negligence the plaintiff is responsible)。





  8Factors for Assigning Shares of Responsibility

  Factors for assigning percentages of responsibility to each person whose legal responsibility has been established include

  (a)the nature of the person,s risk-creating conduct,including any awareness or indifference with respect to the risks created by the conduct and any intent with respect to the harm created by the conduct;and

  (b)the strength of the causal connection between the person,s risk-creating conduct and the harm。



  9Offsetting Judgments

  If two parties are liable to each other in the same suit,each party is entitled to a setoff of any recovery owed by the other party,except that,in cases in which one or both of the parties has liability insurance,setoff does not reduce the payment of a liability insurer unless an applicable rule of law or statute[10]so provides。


  Topic2-Liability of Multiple Tortfeasors for Indivisible Harm



  10Effect of Joint and Several Liability

  When,under applicable law,some persons are jointly and severally liable to an injured person,the injured person may sue for and recover the full amount of recoverable damages from any jointly and severally liable person。



  11Effect of Several Liability

  When,under applicable law,a person is severally liable to an injured person for an indivisible injury,the injured person may recover only the severally liable person,s comparative-responsibility share of the injured person,s damages。



  12Intentional Tortfeasors

  Each person who commits a tort that requires intent is jointly and severally liable for any indivisible injury legally caused by the tortious conduct。



  13Vicarious Liability

  Aperson whose liability is imputed based on the tortious acts of another is liable for the entire share of comparative responsibility assigned to the other,regardless of whether joint and several liability or several liability is the governing rule for independent tortfeasors who cause an indivisible injury。



  14Tortfeasors Liable for Failure to Protect the Plaintiff from the Specific Risk of an Intentional Tort

  Aperson who is liable to another based on a failure to protect the other from the specific risk of an intentional tort is jointly and severally liable for the share of comparative responsibility assigned to the intentional tortfeasor in addition to the share of comparative responsibility assigned to the person。



  15Persons Acting in Concert

  When persons are liable because they acted in concert,all persons are jointly and severally liable for the share of comparative responsibility assigned to each person engaged in concerted activity。



  16Effect of Partial Settlement on Jointly and Severally Liable Tortfeasors‘Liability

  The plaintiff,s recoverable damages from a jointly and severally liable tortfeasor are reduced by the comparative share of damages attributable to a settling tortfeasor who otherwise would have been liable for contribution to jointly and severally liable defendants who do not settle。The settling tortfeasor,s comparative share of damages is the percentage of comparative responsibility assigned to the settling tortfeasor multiplied by the total damages of the plaintiff。



  17Joint and Several or Several Liability for Independent Tortfeasors

  If the independent tortious conduct of two or more persons is a legal cause of an indivisible injury,the law of the applicable jurisdiction determines whether those persons are jointly and severally liable,severally liable,or liable under some hybrid of joint and several and several liability。


  Track A-Joint and Several Liability



  A18Liability of Multiple Tortfeasors for Indivisible Harm

  If the independent tortious conduct of two or more persons is a legal cause of an indivisible injury,each person is jointly and severally liable for the recoverable damages caused by the tortious conduct。



  A19Assignment of Responsibility:Jointly and Severally Liable Defendants

  If one defendant and at least one other party or settling tortfeasor may be found by the factfinder to have engaged in tortious conduct that was a legal cause of an indivisible injury,each such party and settling tortfeasor is submitted to the factfinder for assignment of a percentage of comparative responsibility。


  A20[Not Applicable to This Track。]


  A21[Not Applicable to This Track。]


  Track B-Several Liability



  B18Liability of Multiple Tortfeasors for Indivisible Harm

  If two or more persons,independent tortious conduct is the legal cause of an indivisible injury,each defendant,subject to the exception stated in§12,is severally liable for the comparative share of the plaintiff,s damages assigned to that defendant by the factfinder。



  B19Assignment of Responsibility:Severally Liable Defendants

  If one or more defendants may be held severally liable for an indivisible injury,and at least one defendant and one other party,settling tortfeasor,or identified person may be found by the factfinder to have engaged in tortious conduct that was a legal cause of the plaintiff,s injury,each such party,settling tortfeasor,and other identified person is submitted to the factfinder for an assignment of a percentage of comparative responsibility。


  B20[Not Applicable to This Track。]


  B21[Not Applicable to This Track。]


  Track C-Joint and Several Liability with Reallocation



  C18Liability of Multiple Tortfeasors for Indivisible Harm

  If the independent tortious conduct of two or more persons is a legal cause of an indivisible injury,each person is jointly and severally liable for the recoverable damages caused by the tortious conduct,subject to the reallocation provision of§C21。



  C19Assignment of Responsibility:Jointly and Severally Liable Defendants

  If one defendant and at least one other party,settling tortfeasor,or employer described in§C20(a)whose comparative responsibility is legally relevant to apportioning liability for the plaintiff,s indivisible injury exist,each party,each settling tortfeasor,and,as permitted by§C20(a),each employer who may be found by the factfinder to have engaged in tortious conduct that was a legal cause of the plaintiff,s injury is submitted to the fact-finder for assignment of a percentage of comparative responsibility。





  C20Effect of Responsibility Assigned to Immune Employer

  If a party alleges that the plaintiff,s employer bears some responsibility for the plaintiff,s injury:

  (a)If the applicable law of the jurisdiction permits a reduction of recoverable damages based on the comparative responsibility of an employer otherwise immune from suit by the plaintiff-employee or permits a contribution claim by a defendant against the employer,the employer may be assigned a percentage of comparative responsibility and:(i)the recoverable damages are reduced as permitted by the applicable law;or(ii)contribution is awarded as permitted by the applicable law and the employer,s comparative responsibility。

  (b)If the applicable law of the jurisdiction does not permit either a reduction of recoverable damages based on the comparative responsibility of an employer or a contribution claim against the employer,the employer may not be assigned a percentage of comparative responsibility。




  C21Reallocation of Damages Based on Unenforceability of Judgment

  (a)Except as provided in Subsection(b),if a defendant establishes that a judgment for contribution cannot be collected fully from another defendant,the court reallocates the uncollectible portion of the damages to all other parties,including the plaintiff,in proportion to the percentages of comparative responsibility assigned to the other parties。

  (b)Reallocation under Subsection(a)is not available to any defendant subject to joint and several liability pursuant to§12(intentional tortfeasors)or§15(persons acting in concert)。Any defendant legally liable for the share of comparative fault assigned to another person pursuant to§13(vicarious liability)or§14(tortfeasors who fail to protect the plaintiff from the specific risk of an intentional tort)may not obtain reallocation of the liability imposed by those Sections。


  Track D-Hybrid Liability Based on Threshold Percentage of Comparative Responsibility



  D18Liability of Multiple Tortfeasors for Indivisible Harm

  If the independent tortious conduct of two or more persons is a legal cause of an indivisible injury,each defendant who is assigned a percentage of comparative responsibility equal to or in excess of the legal threshold is jointly and severally liable,and each defendant who is assigned a percentage of comparative responsibility below the legal threshold is,subject to the exception in§12(intentional tortfeasors),severally liable。




  D19Assignment of Responsibility:Both Jointly and Severally Liable and Severally Liable Defendants

  (a)If one or more defendants may be held severally liable for an indivisible injury,and at least one defendant and one other party,settling tortfeasor,or identified person may be found by the factfinder to have engaged in tortious conduct that was a legal cause of the plaintiff,s injury,each such party,settling tortfeasor,and other identified person is submitted to the factfinder for an assignment of a percentage of comparative responsibility。

  (b)If all defendants can only be held jointly and severally liable for an indivisible injury,each party and each settling tortfeasor who may be found by the factfinder to have engaged in tortious conduct that was a legal cause of the plaintiff,s injury are submitted to the fact-finder for an assignment of a percentage of comparative responsibility。


  D20[Not Applicable to This Track。]


  D21[Not Applicable to This Track。]


  Track E-Hybrid Liability Based on Type of Damages4



  E18Liability of Multiple Tortfeasors for Indivisible Harm

  If the independent tortious conduct of two or more persons is a legal cause of an indivisible injury,each defendant is jointly and severally liable for the economic-damages portion of the recoverable damages and,subject to the exceptions stated in§12(intentional tortfeasors)and§15(persons acting in concert),is severally liable for that defendant,s comparative share of the noneconomic damages。




  E19Assignment of Responsibility:Joint and Several Liability for Economic Damages and Several Liability for Noneconomic Damages

  (a)When plaintiff may recover only economic damages for an indivisible injury and at least one defendant and one other party or settling tortfeasor may be found by the factfinder to have engaged in tortious conduct that was a legal cause of the plaintiff,s injury,each such party and settling tortfeasor is submitted to the factfinder for assignment of a percentage of comparative responsibility。

  (b)When plaintiff may recover noneconomic damages and at least one defendant and one other party,settling tortfeasor,or identified person may be found by the factfinder to have engaged in tortious conduct that was a legal cause of the plaintiff,s injury,each such party,settling tortfeasor,and identified person is submitted to the factfinder for assignment of a percentage of comparative responsibility。


  E20[Not Applicable to This Track。]


  E21[Not Applicable to This Track。]


  Topic3-Contribution and Indemnity









  (a)When two or more persons are or may be liable for the same harm and one of them discharges the liability of another in whole or in part by settlement or discharge of judgment,the person discharging the liability is entitled to recover indemnity in the amount paid to the plaintiff,plus reasonable legal expenses,if:

  (1)the indemnitor has agreed by contract to indemnify the indemnitee,or

  (2)the indemnitee

  (i)was not liable except vicariously for the tort of the indemnitor,or

  (ii)was not liable except as a seller of a product supplied to the indemnitee by the indemnitor and the indemnitee was not independently culpable。

  (b)Aperson who is otherwise entitled to recover indemnity pursuant to contract may do so even if the party against whom indemnity is sought would not be liable to the plaintiff。






  (a)When two or more persons are or may be liable for the same harm and one of them discharges the liability of another by settlement or discharge of judgment,the person discharging the liability is entitled to recover contribution from the other,unless the other previously had a valid settlement and release from the plaintiff。

  (b)Aperson entitled to recover contribution may recover no more than the amount paid to the plaintiff in excess of the person,s comparative share of responsibility。

  (c)Aperson who has a right of indemnity against another person under§22does not have a right of contribution against that person and is not subject to liability for contribution to that person。






  24Definition and Effect of Settlement

  (a)Asettlement is a legally enforceable agreement in which a claimant agrees not to seek recovery outside the agreement for specified injuries or claims from some or all of the persons who might be liable for those injuries or claims。

  (b)Persons released from liability by the terms of a settlement are relieved of further liability to the claimant for the injuries or claims covered by the agreement,but the agreement does not discharge any other person from liability。





  25Satisfaction of Claim Through Discharge of Judgment

  (a)When a judgment includes a determination of the entirety of recoverable damages suffered by the plaintiff for an indivisible injury and provides for their recovery by the plaintiff against one or more of the defendants,payment of the full amount of recoverable damages constitutes a satisfaction of the plaintiff,s rights against all tortfeasors legally responsible for the plaintiff,s indivisible injury。

  (b)When a judgment includes a determination of the entirety of recoverable damages suffered by the plaintiff for an indivisible injury and provides for their recovery by the plaintiff against multiple defendants,payment by one or more judgment defendants of less than the full amount of the recoverable damages constitutes a reduction of the plaintiff,s right to recover from the judgment defendants in the amount of the value of the payment。

  (c)When a judgment against one or more tortfeasors,none of whom is jointly and severally liable,is for an amount that is or may be less than all of the recoverable damages by the plaintiff,payment of the amount of the judgment does not constitute a satisfaction of the plaintiff,s rights against all tortfeasors。


  Topic5-Apportionment of Liability when Damages can be Divided by Causation







  26Apportionment of Liability When Damages Can Be Divided by Causation

  (a)When damages for an injury can be divided by causation,the factfinder first divides them into their indivisible component parts and separately apportions liability for each indivisible component part under Topics1through4。

  (b)Damages can be divided by causation when the evidence provides a reasonable basis for the factfinder to determine:

  (1)that any legally culpable conduct of a party or other relevant person to whom the fact-finder assigns a percentage of responsibility was a legal cause of less than the entire damages for which the plaintiff seeks recovery and

  (2)the amount of damages separately caused by that conduct。

  Otherwise,the damages are indivisible and thus the injury is indivisible。Liability for an indivisible injury is apportioned under Topics1through4。






  [5]关于“ameliorative doctrines”,直译为“改良学说”,许传玺先生译为“缓和学说”,为意译。译者认为,中国民法上所谓“缓和学说”用语主要见于“物权法定原则”,其对应的是“严格的物权法定主义”。而从本条替代《美国侵权法重述。第二次》第463条的目的来看,“第463条与有过失的定义:与有过失,是指原告的行为低于为保护自己应当遵守的标准,且该行为是与被告的过失共同导致原告遭受伤害的协助原因。”原规定实际上是降低了原告的注意义务,使得证明原告过失的标准更加的严格,以避免因轻微过失而适用混合过失(contributory liability)而完全不能受偿的不公平情况发生。因此,译者认为许传玺先生翻译的“缓和学说活”的目的是为了表达相关学说“缓和”了原告的过失,但并不符合中国民法学界的用语习惯,恰恰容易造成误解,因此翻译为“严格学说”似乎更为合适。所谓“严格学说”,即证明标准更加严格。从“are abolished”和“doctrines”的复数用语,以及参考后附评论,特别适用于原告过失证明的“严格责任”并不止一种,该条文的内容也在于废止相关所有的“严格学说”,因此笔者增加了“各种”,译为“各种严格学说均已被废止”。

  [6]该条规定的是“派生诉讼”(derivative action)中的原告过失问题。派生诉讼,常见于“股东派生诉讼”,在侵权法上,是指基于他人受伤害而提起的诉讼,如妻子受到伤害后,丈夫以其丧失了配偶权为由,向侵害人提起的诉讼。派生诉讼导致的是派生责任(derivative liablity),主要有两种:1、原告就侵害人对他人造成的损害要求赔偿;2、原告对于给自己造成的损害要求赔偿,而该损害是以侵害人对他人的不法行为作为近因所造成的。

  [7]“decedent”直译为“死者”,“decedent‘s estate”是遗产的意思,“estate’s decedent”应为遗产的原所有人,考虑到中国《继承法》包含了继承取得和其他死因取得(如遗赠),这里意译为“被继承人”。

  [8]“estate”是英美财产法的核心概念。当estate被用于合伙财产、信托财产,尤指涉及财产管理(administration)的死者遗产、破产财产的财产、解散的合伙财产等。在用于这些情况下,estate具有法律拟制人格的含义,财产被认为代表或者延续它所归属者的人格。因此,才会出现“遗产的赔偿额”(estates recovery)和“可归责于财产的过失”(negligence imputed to the estate)的说法。


  [10]这里的“law and statute”并列的说法,前者应该是泛指包括判例法在内的法律规范,后者是制定法。

  [11]“Joint and Several Liability”直译为“连带与单独责任”,按照我国民法的用语习惯,应意译为“连带责任”。英美法上,区分“Joint and Several Liability”、“joint liability”和“several liability”。“Joint and Several Liability”是在侵权法和合同法中,债权人自由决定由全体债务人或者其中的一人或者数人承担,所以每个债务人实际上都独立的对全部债务负责。在债务人之间,某一偿付人有权从其他未偿付人处得到分摊。这相当于我国民法上的“连带责任”。“joint liability”是由两人或者两人以上共同承担的责任,若其中一人被起诉,则其可要求其余人必须作为共同被告应诉;若其中一人死亡,则其责任由其他生存者承担,应翻译为“共同责任”,与大陆法系的“不真正连带”有所类似,但不完全相同。“several liability”是指两人或多人对原告的请求各自承担的责任,应翻译为“单独责任”。

  [12]“recoverable damages”应翻译为“可获得损害赔偿”,根据需要会进行一定的句式措辞调整。

  [13]“several liability”直译为“个别责任”,考虑到我国侵权法理论的用语习惯,译者译为“单独责任”。参见《元照》1251。


  [15]“in concert”直译为“协同”,但考虑到中国侵权法的用语习惯,译者意译为“共同”。


  [17]“identified person”译者暂译为“特定人”,确切含义还需要考查,下文同。



  [20]“vicariously”,译者认为承担的是“vicarious liability”,但并不确定。

