

  1.I‘m sorry,but he’s on another line now.对不起,他在接另一个电话。

  2.Would you care to hold?您要稍等一下吗?

  3.Could you take a message,please?能不能为我留下话?

  4.I‘ll give him the message.我会转告他。

  5.Anything else?还有其他事吗?

  6.That’s all.Thank you for trouble taken.就这些,感谢你的耐心。

  7.I‘m sorry,but he is out of the office right now.很抱歉,他现在不在办公室里。

  8.When will he be back?他什么时候回来?

  9.Iwonder if you could give Mr.Wang a message for me?你能不能给王先生带个口信?

  10.Just a minute.I’ll get a pen.请等一下,我拿支笔。

  11.I‘ll1et him know,Mf.Brown.我会转告他的,布朗先生。

  12.No.Ireally need to talk to him personally.不,我真的需要亲自跟他说。

  13.Would you like to leave a message on his voice mail,then?那您要不要留话在他的语音信箱里?

  14.Hold on and I’ll transfer you.稍候,我会帮您转过去。

  15.I‘m not available to take your call,but please your name,number and a brief message.我现在不能接您的电话,但请您留下您的姓名、电话号码和简短留言。

  16.I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.我会尽快回您电话。

  17.Please call me at556-3243when you get back.你回来时请打556-3243找我。

  Dialogue A

  (A:Jan Wise B:Receiver)

  A:Hello.Can Ispeak to Mr.Clark?

  B:May Ihave your name,Please?

  A:This is Jan Wise speaking.

  B:Hold on,please…I‘m sorry,but he’s on another line now.Would you care to hold?

  A:Well,Ineed to leave in a ninute.Could you take a message,Please?


  A:It‘s a little complicated…I’m Mr.Clark‘s former classmate.


  A:Iwas supposed to meet Mr.Clark for lunch at12∶30at Ernierestaurant with a friend of us,Miss White…

  B:Ernie…Miss White——OK…

  A:But Miss White’s flight arrived late,and Ineed to pick her upat the airport now…


  A:So please tell him that the time is changed to1∶00…

  B:One o‘clock…

  A:And Ihear that Miss White likes to eat Chinese food recently,so Iwant to meet at Beijing restaurant instead of Ernie’s.Bythe way,please tell him not to book the table,Ihave done it al-ready.

  B:Beijing restaurant…Chinese food——OK,Miss Wise,I‘ll givehim the message.Anything else?

  A:That’s all.Thank you for trouble taken.Good-bye.


  Dialogue B

  (A:Jim Brown B:Receiver)

  A:Hello.This is Jim Brown of the Export Department.May Ispeak to Mr.Wang?

  B:I‘m sorry,but he is out of the office right now.

  A:When will he be back?

  B:He should be back at any moment.

  A:Iwonder if you could give Mr.Wang a message for me?

  B:Yes,certainly.Just a minute.I’ll get a pen.(Pause)OKay,please carry on.

  A:There will be a very urgent meeting at three o‘clock and Iwould like Mr.Wang to attend it.

  B:OKay,an urgent meeting…three o’clock…May Iask whatit‘s regarding?

  A:Yes.It’s regarding the foreign exchange market and our salesstrategy this year.

  B:Shall Itell Mr.Wang to prepare any material?

  A:Yes,thank you.

  B:I‘ll let him know,Mr.Brown.

  A:Thank you very much.Bye.


  Dialogue C

  (A:Mary B:Receiver C:John’s voice)

  A:Hello.Is John in?

  B:No,can Itake a message?

  A:No.Ireally need to talk to him personally.

  B:Would you like to leave a message on his voice mail,then?

  A:Yes.Thank you.

  B:Hold on and I‘ll transfer you.(Pause)

  C:Hi,this is John.I’m not available to take your call,but pleaseleave your name,number and a brief message.I‘ll get back toyou as soon as possible.

  A:Hi,John.It’s Mary and Ireally need to talk to you.Iwont beable to go to the party with you.Please call me at556-3243when you get back.

  Words and Expressions

  complicate vt.使复杂;使麻烦

  former a.以前的;前者

  suppose vt.让;猜想;假定,以为

  restaurant n.饭店,饭馆

  flight n.飞行,飞翔,航班

  change v.改变,变化;更换,交换

  recently a.近来的;最近的,目前的

  instead ad.代替,顶替

  book n.书,书籍,v.定,预定

  trouble n.烦恼;苦恼;困境;麻烦

  department n.部;(大学等的)系

  export vt.输出;把……出口

  attend v.出席,照顾

  regard v.考虑,认为,把……看作是

  exchange v.交换;调换,兑换;交流

  market n.(交易)市场;(集)市

  sale n.出售,出卖;贱卖,大减价

  strategy n.战略,策略

  material n.材料;原料;资料

  personally a.亲自的;就个人而言

  voice mail语音信箱

  transfe v.迁移;调动;变换;传输

  brief a.简略的,简短的