

  Hard Steel硬钢

  Hard-Drawn Steel Wire硬拉钢丝

  Hardened And Tempered Steel调质钢

  Hardened Steel硬化钢;淬火钢

  Hardened Steel Roller淬火钢滚轮

  Hardened-Steel Bushing淬火钢衬套

  Hardened-Steel Guideway淬火钢导轨

  Hardened-Steel Tire硬化钢环箍

  Hardening Of Steel钢的硬化

  Harvey Steel固体渗碳硬化钢

  Heat And Corrosion Resistant Steel耐热防锈钢

  Heat Treatment Of Steel钢的热处理

  Heat-Resistant Steel耐热钢

  Heat-Resisting Alloy Steel耐热合金钢

  Heat-Resisting Steel耐热钢;热强钢

  Heat-Treatable Steel热处理钢

  Heat-Treated Steel热处理钢

  Heat-Treated Steel Track热处理钢履带

  Heavy Section Steel大型型钢

  Heavy Steel Rolling Mill大型轧钢厂

  Helical Steel Support螺旋形井筒支架

  Hexagon Bar Steel六角条钢

  Hexagonal Steel Bar六角形钢筋

  Hi-Stren Steel低合金高强度钢

  High Alloy Steel高质合金钢

  High Angle Smooth Bottom Steel Bench Plane高角平底钢刨

  High Boron Steel高硼钢

  High Carbon Steel高碳钢

  High Chrome Alloy Steel高铬合金钢

  High Chrome Steel高铬钢;高铬钢

  High Chromium Steel高铬钢

  High Frequency Steel Furnace高频炼钢炉

  High Manganese Carbon Steel高锰碳钢

  High Manganese Cast Steel高锰铸钢

  High Manganese Stainless Steel高锰不锈钢

  High Manganese Steel高锰钢

  High Manganese Steel Casting高锰钢铸件

  High Manganese Steel Frog高锰钢辙叉

  High Manganese Steel Rail And Guard Rail高锰钢辙叉及护轨

  High Nickel Steel高镍钢;高镍合金钢

  High Nickel-Chrome Steel高镍铬钢

  High Pressure Stainless Steel Hose高压不锈钢软管

  High Quality Steel高级钢

  High Speed Steel Bit高速钢钻头

  High Speed Steel Cutter高速钢刀具

  High Speed Steel Ground Tap高速钢磨削丝锥

  High Speed Steel Lathe Tool高速钢车刀

  High Speed Steel Power Hacksaw Blade高速钢机用锯条

  High Speed Steel Tool Bit高速钢刀具

  High Speed Steel Turning Tool高速钢车刀

  High Speed Steel Twist Drill高速钢麻花钻

  High Speed Steel Wire高速钢丝

  High Steel高碳钢;硬钢

  High Strength Alloy Steel Shackle高强度合金钢锁扣

  High Strength Bevel Steel Washer高强度钢斜垫圈

  High Strength Construction Steel高强结构钢

  High Strength Hull Steel高强度船体结构钢

  High Strength Low Alloy Steel高强度低合金钢;低合金高强度钢

  High Strength Plain Steel Washer高强度平钢垫圈

  High Strength Steel高强度钢材

  High Strength Steel Bar高强钢筋

  High Strength Steel Plate高强钢板

  High Strength Steel Washer高强度钢垫圈

  High Strength Structural Steel高强度结构钢

  High Tensile Deformed Steel Bar高拉力异形钢筋

  High Tensile Reinforing Steel高强钢筋

  High Tensile Steel高强度钢;高级钢

  High Tensile Steel Plate高强钢板

  High Tensile Steel Tube高强度钢管

  High Tensile Steel Wire高强钢丝

  High Tensile Thin Steel Plate高强薄钢板

  High Yield Stress Steel高屈服强度钢

  High-Alloy Steel高合金钢

  High-Alloy Steel Vessel高合金钢容器

  High-Carbon Alloy Steel碳合金钢

  High-Carbon Chromium Steel高碳铬钢

  High-Carbon High-Tensile Steel高碳高张力钢

  High-Carbon High-Tensile Steel Wire高碳高张力钢线

  High-Carbon Steel高碳钢

  High-Carbon Steel Heat Treated热处理过的高碳钢

  High-Chromium Stainless Steel高铬不锈钢

  High-Creep Strength Steel高蠕变强度钢

  High-Ductility Steel高韧性钢;高塑性钢

  High-Duty Steel高强度钢

  High-Elastic Limit Steel高弹性极限钢;高弹性限度钢

  High-Frequency Electric Welded Steel Pipe高频电焊钢管

  High-Frequency Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet高频变压器硅钢片

  High-Grade Alloy Steel高级合金钢

  High-Grade Alloy Structure Steel高级合金结构;高级合金结构钢

  High-Grade Carbon Steel高级碳素钢

  High-Grade Steel高级钢

  High-Quality Nickel Steel Tube高级镍钢管

  High-Quality Steel高质量钢;优质钢

  High-Speed Steel高速钢;高速工具钢

  High-Speed Steel Bit高速钢车刀

  High-Speed Steel Drill高速钢钻头

  High-Speed Steel End Mill高速钢端铣刀

  High-Speed Steel Geared Tap高速钢磨牙丝锥

  High-Speed Steel Ingot高速钢锭

  High-Speed Steel Lathe Tool白钢车刀

  High-Speed Steel Tool高速钢刀具

  High-Speed Tool Steel高速工具钢;高工钢

  High-Strength Bevel Steel Washer高强度斜垫圈

  High-Strength Cast Steel高速铸铁

  High-Strength Low Alloy Steel高强低合金钢

  High-Strength Low-Allow Steel高强度耐低温钢

  High-Strength Plain Steel Washer高强度平垫圈

  High-Strength Quality Steel Wire高强优质钢丝

  High-Strength Steel高强度钢

  High-Strength Steel Electrode高强度钢焊条

  High-Strength Steel Washer高强度垫圈

  High-Sulfur Steel高硫钢

  High-Temper Steel高温回火钢

  High-Temperature Steel耐高温钢

  High-Tensile Steel高强度钢;高强钢

  High-Tensile Steel Bar高强度钢筋

  High-Tensile Steel Bars高强度粗钢筋

  High-Tensile Steel Reinforcement Bar Fixture高强钢筋夹具

  High-Tensile Steel Wires高强度钢丝

  High-Tensile Structural Steel高强度结构钢

  High-Vanadium Steel高矾钢;高钒钢

  High-Yield Strength Steel高屈服点钢;高屈服强度钢

  Highyield Low-Alloy Steel高强度低合金钢

  Hoe Steel中耕机锄铲

  Hole Steel Propeller钢制空心螺旋桨

  Hollow Drill Steel中空钻探钢

  Hollow Square Steel空心方钢

  Hollow Steel空心钢;中空钢

  Hollow Steel Propeller中空钢制螺旋桨

  Hollow Steel Rim空心轮辋

  Hollow Steel Roller空心钢辊

  Hollow Steel Section薄壁型钢

  Hollow Steel Spoke Wheel空心钢辐轮

  Hollow-Drill Steel空心钻杆

  Homogeneous Steel均质钢;均质钢

  Homogeneous Steel Plate均质钢板;均质钢板

  Honda Steel本多磁钢

  Hoop Steel箍钢带

  Hot Die Steel热锻模钢;热作模具钢

  Hot Work Tool Steel热镀模具钢;热锻模具钢

  Hot-Die Steel热变形模具钢;高温模具钢

  Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Wire热镀锌钢丝

  Hot-Dipped Galvanized Sheet Steel热浴镀锌薄板钢材

  Hot-Rolled Mild Steel热轧软钢

  Hot-Rolled Sheet Steel热轧钢板

  Hot-Rolled Sillcon Steel Sheet热轧硅钢板

  Hot-Rolled Steel热轧钢

  Hot-Rolled Steel Bar热轧钢筋

  Hot-Rolled Steel Channel热轧槽钢

  Hot-Rolled Steel Joist热轧钢龙骨

  Hot-Rolled Steel Section热轧型钢

  Hot-Working Die Steel热锻模钢

  Hubbing Steel冲模钢

  Hull Steel船用钢;造船钢

  Hy-Tuf Steel海图夫低合金高强度钢

  Hydra Steel海德拉热模具钢

  Hydraulic Steel Holder液压持纤器

  Hydraulic Steel Support液压钢支架

  Hynack Steel Plate海纳克护膜耐蚀钢板

  Hypereutectoid Steel过共析钢;超共析钢

  Hypoeutectoid Steel亚共析钢

  Hysteresis Steel磁滞钢

  I-Section Steel Pile工字型钢桩


  I-Steel Pile工字型钢桩

  Inclusion In Steel钢内夹杂

  Indented Steel Wire齿纹钢丝

  Industrial Steel Window工业厂房钢窗

  Ingot Steel钢锭;锭钢

  Inland Steel(美国)内陆钢铁公司

  Instrument For Measuring Oxygen In Molten Steel钢液定氧仪


  Integral Steel整体钢钎

  Integrated Iron And Steel Works综合性钢铁厂

  Intermediate Grade Steel中级钢

  Internal Fixation With Steel Plate钢板内固定术

  Invar Steel殷钢

  Iron And Steel Base钢铁基地

  Iron And Steel Casting钢铁铸件

  Iron And Steel Company钢铁公司

  Iron And Steel Industry钢铁工业

  Iron And Steel Manufacture钢铁制造

  Iron And Steel Material Shaped钢铁型材

  Iron And Steel Plant钢铁厂

  Iron And Steel Scrap废钢铁

  Iron And Steel Sheet And Plate钢铁板材

  Iron And Steel Sheet Piling铁及钢板桩法凿井

  Iron And Steel Wire钢铁丝材

  Iron And Steel Works钢铁厂

  Iron-And-Steel Furnace黑色金属冶金炉

  Irreversible Steel不可逆钢

  Joist Steel梁钢

  Joy Extensible Steel Band乔伊可伸缩式钢带运输机

  Jumper Steel钻杆钢;长凿钢

  Jute-Covered Steel Pipe麻钢管