




  1、Delayed opening-find a positive opening that will place the message in its correct communication context。

  2、Explanation-explain clearly to the reader the benefits associated with your business system。

  3、Resale-inclued the same kind of resale material as you would in refusing a request for a favor,which will help retain your readers interest in your products or services。

  4、Positive close-end the letter by telling the reader exactly what to do and where to go to complete the purchase。


  Dear Mr。Lockett

  It is a great pleasure to receive your first order for60dozen#889Panda toys。We are eager to have your name included into the list of our loyal customers。

  In an effort to minimize shipping and office costs,we have established US$8,900as the minimum account for every order。The savings that result from this regulation are passed on to our customers。We are sending you a copy of our current catalog under separate cover。When you go through the details,we are sure that you will find many cost-saving items which sell fast in your local markets。

  Provided that you supplement your original order so that the minimum figure is US$8,900,we will be delighted to process it immediately and ship it as required。

  Looking forward to your favorable reply。
